Storytime! About seven years ago, I was teaching fifth grade at a very challenging school with a very challenging group of kids. I also had three teenagers of my own. To say I was stressed out would be a major understatement. I felt like at any minute, I would just snap and go off screaming at a kid therefore, most likely losing my job. Or, I’d walk out and the result would be the same, no job for Heidi.
Several months before, I had given up every single supplement and herb I had taken on and off over the last few decades because, honestly, I was still dealing with the same old issues; chronic sinus infections requiring antibiotics, allergies, asthma, constipation, candida, chronic and severe iron anemia, ridiculously low hemoglobin, serious fatigue and of course, irritability and short temper. So why keep wasting money if I was still feeling like crap?
Over the years I had dove into finding a solution to my anemia because I felt that was foremost. I hoped that if I could figure that out, my fatigue would go away and then I could tackle the other health issues.
It was throughout this process that I came upon two things that COMPLETELY turned my health around. One was the plant powders I so lovingly share and the other was the glorious Anderson Sea MD magnesium.
Within 2 days of taking my liquid magnesium in my water a few things happened; I was sleeping better, I wasn’t constipated as much and I was calmer! Even my own children noticed my more relaxed disposition, and I actually had patience for dealing with OPC (other people’s children) who swung brooms at me, threw desks and would fight and cuss each other simply about where to sit.
Magnesium is necessary for so many body functions! There’s at least 800! Some of the things we aren’t aware of but many we do feel and notice such as these below – (As tempting as it is, try not to go down every single rabbit hole source!)
And the list goes on.
Are you starting to see the light?
I am always a proponent of getting our essential nutrients from foods first when we can. And while many of my favorite foods are high in magnesium…
So if you are wondering if you need more magnesium, I’ll just throw it out there and say YES most likely. The kind I love is ionic (meaning it’s easier to get into your system) has the naturally occurring trace minerals and it’s 3rd party GMP certified. 3rd party certifications give us peace of mind about what you are putting into your body. (This is another reason I love my plant powders. They are also certified by a third party – NSF so what is on the label is in the bottle, nothing less, nothing more like pesticides, heavy metals, fillers, etc.)
We can live without a lot of things; love, toilet paper and all cotton sheets hung to dry on the line but that doesn’t mean we will thrive. There is no doubt magnesium is necessary in order to thrive. I hope you will consider your intake and whether supplementing is what you’ve been missing.